วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 ต.ค. 2566
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 10 ต.ค. 2567
ไทยได้ประกาศลงสมัครสมาชิกคณะมนตรีสิทธิมนุษยชนแห่งสหประชาชาติ (Human Rights Council) วาระปี ค.ศ. 2025 - 2027 ในห้วงการประชุมสมัชชาสหประชาชาติสมัยสามัญ ครั้งที่ 78 เมื่อวันที่ 21 กันยายน 2566 โดยวิสัยทัศน์และคำมั่นของไทยในประเด็นสิทธิมนุษยชน ปรากฏตามเอกสารสรุปภาษาไทย แผ่นพับภาษาอังกฤษ และแผ่นพับภาษาฝรั่งเศสแนบมาพร้อมนี้
On 21st September 2023 during the UNGA 78, Thailand has announced its candidature to the Human Rights Council, United Nations, for the term of 2025 -2027. Thailand's vision and pledges on Human Rights issue are as appeared in the pamphlets in English and French attached below.
Thailand4HRC2025-2027 pamphlet in English
Thailand4HRC2025-2027 pamphlet in French
Thailand4HRC2025-2027 pamphlet in Spanish
On 9th October 2024, during the UNGA 79 , Thailand was elected by the General Assembly, as one of the 18 member countries, to join the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) for the term of 2025 - 2027. Thailand's messages of gratitude are attached below.
Prime Minister of Thailand's message of gratitude on Thailand's election into HRC 2025 - 2027
Foreign Minister of Thailand's message of gratitude on Thailand's election into HRC 2025 - 2027
Our past efforts:
Please click for link to some of our Press Releases, related to some of Thailand's efforts in building up the content and our campaign for our candidature to the UN Human Rights Council 2025-2027.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand UNGA79 Statement
Thailand's Pledge as HRC Candidate
Reception on the Occasion of Thailand's HRC Candidature at UNGA79
Thailand's withdrawal of reservation of Art. 22 of the Convention on Rights of The Child
Summit of the Future and HRC : What do young people want to see ?
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand on Universal Health Coverage
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand on Thailand's Human Rights Commitment at UDHR Anniversary
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs meeting with UN High Commissioner on Human Rights
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Thailand meeting with UN Women representative
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and South-South Cooperation on Human Rights
Consultation with Civil Society on Human Rights Council Candidature
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs at Future of HRC panel discussion
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs at 55th HRC High Level Segment
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs at working dinner at 55th Session of HRC
Thailand's Statement at 55th HRC
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs at HRC campaign at 55th Session of HRC
International Human Rights Day 2023
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Thailand Institute of Justice on Bangkok Rules
Thailand's bilateral exchanges on Human Rights issues (1)
Thailand's bilateral exchanges on Human Rights issues (2)
Thailand's bilateral exchanges on Human Rights Issues (3)
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand's Announcement of Thailand's HRC Candidature
About the Thailand4HRC2025-2027 Campaign Souvenirs :
(1) "When local artist meets global artist" handwoven Pandanus pouch
"The Face of Humanity" is a collaborative street painting from the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2018, sprayed and drawn by participants from government, diplomatic corps, international organizations, private sector, youth representatives and civil society organizations in Thailand. The finished work was done by one of the world renowned Thai artists, Alex Face.
This artwork is used as a design for the lining of a Pandanus handwoven pouch made by Sikao community in Trang Province, South of Thailand. Their spirit and teamwork symbolizes inner strength, resilience and crafting skills of the Thai grassroots local community.
This "When local artist meets global artist" product reminds us that the discussion and the work on human rights at global level should also take into account the local needs, as well as aiming to make real difference with positive impacts on the ground. How each strand of pandan leaves was woven one by one to create this product also represents the collective effort of all stakeholders that will make human rights a reality for all.
(2) "Supporting Female Inmates, Giving Opportunities for more fulfilling Future" :
A meaningful gift pouch from Thailand
‘Supporting Female Inmates, Giving Opportunities for more fulfilling Future’ A meaningful gift pouch from Thailand, is exquisitely crafted by women prisoners at the Central Women's Correctional Institution in Bangkok. This Smock Pouch represents a powerful symbol of hope, encouragement and opportunity for those among the most vulnerable of the society.
With support and vocational training provided by the Correctional Institution, women prisoners could express their artistic skills and creativity through their needlework. How each smock fabric was woven to create this product represents joint efforts of all partners involved in improving the well-being and further enhancing the human rights of all women prisoners.
In line with the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders or “the Bangkok Rules”, such training provides the needed support to women prisoners, especially during times that may be challenging for them. The skills acquired in the making of these products also help broaden their prospects for employment while empowering them by restoring their dignity and self-worth. These are all crucial elements that contribute to sustainable post-release reintegration into society, as well as successful prevention of recidivism.
วันทำการ : จันทร์ - ศุกร์ เวลา 08.30 - 16.30 น.